| J.P's Overclocked and cool runnin' - PC's and Case mods. NEW MODS! (Yes, it's that "most wonderful time of the year") Last years stuff...
Just added! Other Case Mod Sites www.bluesmoke.net | www.virtualhideout.net | casemod.tripod.com 12/07/01 - Added the XV645-C 10/30/01 - Updated site with Three New Cases and PC's.. (two are refits) 1/25/01 - Added a forum.. now use it! LOL 1/17/00 - Updated the site, added the latest pics from the Anaconda Project and also cleaned out a lot of the crap from last year. (As IF anyone cared!) Email me at: [email protected]
Tell them "your friend" Johnny Pulsar sent you- They just might give you a discount! (I make no guarantees! LOL)